What Is a Locksmith – Locksmith Las Vegas

Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941
Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941


What is a Locksmith?

Have you somehow gotten locked out of your car or house? If you don’t have a spare key, and don’t know anyone who has a spare key, it’s probably time to call a locksmith. Locksmiths are an important part of our society. In addition to helping people out of tricky situations they also fix and make locks and other security systems, including vaults, safes, and alarm systems. They also can make duplicate keys. Locksmiths are good people to ask if you need a recommendation for a high-security device. Nowadays, security is a growing concern and locksmiths have to always update and keep security devices current. Some people try to fix small lock problems on their own but it is a much better idea to call a locksmith because they are by far the most well-informed and safest choice.

There is no special training that is mandatory for locksmiths. A lot of locksmiths tend to learn on the job, while they are working with more experienced, seasoned locksmiths. Some locksmiths attend seminars as part of their training process. Training time tends to take from several months, to even years.

Some people are weary of locksmiths because they are trained to pick locks and take apart security systems. Fortunately, only locksmiths with a clean criminal record are hired for the job. They also must prove to their employer that they are an honest person. Locksmiths need to able to tell who they can trust as well. They have to be able to verify that if they get a call from someone saying they are locked out, that it is actually the homeowner who is attempting to get into the house.

Some locksmiths choose to open their own business instead of staying with their original company that they trained with. Others yet choose to move to a related industry such as mechanical repair.

Locksmiths know that emergency situations occur all the time, even in the middle of the night. Most locksmith companies operate 24/7 and have a locksmith available to take calls at all times. This is in case a customer has a need at odd hours of the night or during a holiday.

The hiring fee for a locksmith varies depending on the company, the technician, and what job is being done.

We don’t recommend that you attempt to pick your own lock or take apart a security system. This type of venture could end up further damaging the lock and you will pay more in the long run. It’s a much safer choice to hire a qualified locksmith instead. This will guarantee that the job is done efficiently and correctly.




Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

Get the Best Lock For Your Home Security System – By Locksmith Las Vegas

Get the Best Lock For Your Home Security System

Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941
Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

Almost every individual is aware that having a good lock on the door is an essential part of keeping you home secure. Not everyone knows, however, that for a small cost it is possible to upgrade the house’s security with various door locks that are currently being sold on the market.

Most commonly used in the U.S. are pink tumbler type locks. These locks are standard and have keys that have special ridges that are entered into cylindrical devices that fasten them and are secured into a door. These locks fasten the door to its frame. The lever tumbler lock is a different type of lock that is more popular in parts of the world such as Europe and South America.  This mechanism consists of a series of levers that are kept in place to keep the door locked. The key then lifts up the tumbler, moves the levers, and the door is now open. The level of complexity varies for these two kinds of standard locks. The more solid and complex that these locks are made, the better it is for your security. Don’t think that this type of lock is unsafe if that happens to be the kind of lock found on your door. It is important to be informed about which types of locks exist, and the varying degree of safety between them.

It is possible to increase your home’s security level by changing door locks. Nowadays, there are many electronic solutions that are both safe and secure. For example, you can have a keypad installed. This involves a complicated system of locks which can be set or released with the touch of a couple buttons. This type of lock does not provide a potential criminal with any way to jimmy the lock or to easily open the door. Also, because the keypad has been pre-wired, it is easy to link all doors on the house to the main home alarm system. This way, if someone were to tamper with the keypad or try many incorrect combinations, an alarm would sound automatically. This would most likely either scare away the criminal or, get police to your house by sending an alert to the security company.

Another good example of a viable electronic security system is called the fab system. This system involved an electronic pad that is mounted by your door. The pad controls heavy locks which link the door with its frame. The electronic pad and fab key communicate when held close together. This allows the door to open. The fab key comes in various sizes, but tends to be small and rectangular like an ID card. The type of fab key that you choose is up to you. Similar to the keypad, since the system is electronic, it is connected to your alarm system as well.  This means that if someone were to tamper with it, it will set off an alarm.

Door locks are a crucial aspect of your home security system. If you can afford to spend extra, it will always be better to buy a high-security lock. It is a long term investment for you safety and the safety of your family.



Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

10 Simple Security Tips By – Locksmith Las Vegas

Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941
Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

It would be wise to consider the security of your home, even if you rent or live in a gated community with a guard. Theft can happen to anyone at any time, and if you are at home when a burglar breaks in the situation can quickly become dangerous and put your life in danger.

You might consider installing a home security surveillance system in order to protect you and your family. There are also many other small, easy steps to take that don’t involve spending too much on alarms and cameras. Here are some basic tips to get you started:

  1. Secure garage doors and windows

Even though most front and back home entrance doors are fitted with good locks you have to check that the garage doors are fitted with high-security locks as well. You should also be checking doors that are walk-through and car doors. It’s easy to break through a garage with an old automatic door opener. It’s recommended that if a garage door model is more than 15 years old, it should be upgraded. The newer systems that use rolling codes are much more secure.

Concerning garages that have windows: the area is further away from the living space than others and it will be more difficult to hear if a window has been broken. If you are thinking about an upgrade to security glass or shutter windows, this may be a good choice. Either way you must make sure that the locks are secure. Be careful that there are no available entry doors with windows near-by. These can be broken into and a thief can penetrate to get into the door.

  1. Lock detached garages and storage sheds

Thieves can walk into your garden or storage shed and take sharp tools like shovels and axes that will allow them to break windows and enter your house. Therefore, these items should be locked. Ladders also need to be locked away so that burglars cannot get access to upper windows. Many homeowners tend to forget to lock these second story windows.

  1. Keep windows and doors locked

Windows should be kept shut and locked when the homeowner is not at home. In neighborhoods which high crime levels it should be kept in mind that windows always need to be locked. Doors need to be locked in these areas as well even when someone is present in the house. You should think about adding deadbolts as well as having a normal doorknob lock for extra security. This way the door cannot be kicked down.

  1. Don’t tempt burglars

Do you have a lot of high-value items such as a big TV, a nice car, and gold jewelry? In this case, you should be careful not to tempt criminals by putting these items in areas with high visibility. You don’t want any passerby to be able to see these items just by glancing. Especially if you are keeping expensive cars in your garage, you should think about buying curtains to cover the windows so people can’t see in. Likewise, it’s not recommend to put expensive (and moveable) items directly in front of your bedroom or living area windows so that people cannot see them.

  1. Keep your yard well lit

Burglars prefer to rob in dark areas with poor lighting. These areas are less likely to be seen, so it is important to check that your yard doesn’t give robbers a place where they are hidden from your view. If you choose to add outdoor lights with that have motion sensors, these will turn on at night when someone approaches the house. All of the yards (front, back, and side) should all be equipped with high-security lighting. If you are looking for something that is energy-efficient, you should get lights with sensors instead of lights that don’t go out at night.

  1. Cancel deliveries when out of town

It is as if you are inviting theft when you leave an empty house for an extended period of time. When you go away this should not be obvious to criminals. You should have the paper and mail services put on hold or have a house sitter who can pick it up. The post office can hold mail for 30 days. If you install lights that come on automatically at night this might help to trick robbers into thinking that the house is not empty.

  1. Change locks when moving into a new home

Even while renting a house it is smart to get the locks changed on the doors when you move into a new place, whether it be an apartment or a house. If it’s not a new building you will not be able to tell how many keys people are holding onto that can fit into your door. Over the years many will have been made.

  1. Don’t put your name and address on your keys

It happens often that keys get lost. If you are thinking it’s a good idea to put your name and address on the key ring you may want to rethink this decision. Keys get lost often, and putting your information on the keys will only help the thief to find your house and break in through the front door. It is possible that someone has found your keyring and they set up a time and place to meet you. As you are leaving the house to meet them, they come to your house and steal all of your valuable items.

  1. Don’t leave keys outside the house

A lot of people still leave spare keys underneath doormats, in pots, on top of shelves etc. Even if you think you have chosen a well-concealed spot, a burglar will still be able to find it.  Criminals rob people for a living so they are aware of all the tricks possible. Think about getting biometric door locks. This way, if you lose your keys and can’t get back into the house, you can instead open the door with a thumbprint or a unique PIN code.

  1. Install a safety spy hole or “peep hole” at your front door

We are all told as children not to open the door to strangers. For adults, also, this is good advice.  A great way to check who is at the door without opening it is to add in a peep hole. This way, you can easily see who is standing outside the door, but they can’t see you. As far as home security upgrades go, this one is fairly inexpensive and simple.

By now, you should be able to say there there are many home security choices that you can make and any one of these upgrades will make your house less tempting to break into. These are very low cost to install and will be well worth it to keep your family safe. So don’t wait any longer. Make your home a safe place today.



Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

Top 30 Killer Home Security Tips You Can’t Do Without – By Locksmith Las Vegas

Home Security

Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941
Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

It is a homeowner’s responsibility to know how secure his home is. If the proper steps are not implemented to prevent burglary it can become an irreversible mistake. Follow these steps to stay safe now, before it’s too late.

Exterior Security

  1. Make sure all outdoor sheds, garages, and other entrances are secure after you leave or enter. Make sure you are using high-quality locks.
  2. Lawn mowers and other expensive machinery should be securely locked away.
  3. All garage doors much be checked to make sure they are locked when you leave.
  4. Any connecting doors from the garage to the house should be secured with a lock and deadbolt for additional safety.
  5. It’s best if the lock securing your garage door is attached to the floor.
  6. Always lock your car door when you come home from work.
  7. Bikes and motorbikes should be safely locked up either in the garage or house.
  8. Secure and lock all ladders away. Make sure that no one can access the drainpipe to climb up it.
  9. Make sure your bushes and shrubs are all well-trimmed so that no one has the opportunity to hide behind them.
  10. It is recommended to get floodlighting outside for security purposes. These need to motion-triggered.
  11. Turn on the lights outside in the evening.
  12. You should install a placard that makes your address clear to depict. This will help EMS to find you quickly should there be any emergency.
  13. Try to imagine to yourself that you were locked out. How easily could you break into the house? You should fix any weak points that would allow a burglar to enter.


Exterior Door Security

  1. External doors are recommended to be made from hardwood or metal. If there are glass panels they need to be reinforced. If you get a peephole you can see who’s knocking without opening the door.
  2. The door frame should be fitted with a deadbolt lock as well as a doorknob lock.
  3. Always make sure to lock the outside doors, even if you are only going out for a short period of time. Special caution should be taken at night.
  4. Instead of hiding spare keys in a flowerpot or under the doormat, give them to a trustworthy neighbor to hold on to.

Window Security

  1. Check that none of the window frames are rotting and if they are then make sure to replace them.
  2. Every window in the home should be secured with a lock that has a high level of security.
  3. If you windows could be smashed to get in, consider adding metal bars for extra protection.

General Security around the Home

  1. It’s a good idea to set your lamps up on timers. This will make a potential criminal think that you are at home.
  2. All of your valuables should either be kept in a high-security safe in the home or in the bank.
  3. Firearms should be security locked away in their own cupboard. The cupboard needs to have a trigger guard lock to protect its contents.
  4. Your inventory needs to always be kept up to date. You can take pictures of all of your valuable possessions and burn them onto a DVD. The DVD can be kept in a safety deposit box and accessed at the bank.
  5. You should keep a book of emergency phone numbers near your phone.
  6. You and your family need to be prepared for an emergency situation such as a fire. Make sure everyone is aware of the correct evacuation procedure.
  7. Let you neighbors know that you are going away so that they can keep an eye out for suspicious activity.
  8. Mark high value items such as laptops, computers, and TV’s with a noticeable mark that will be recognized by police.
  9. You should cancel all delivery services when you go on vacation.
  10. Make sure to activate the alarm system every time you leave the house.




Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

Doors – The Most Important Home Security Component – By Locksmith Las Vegas

Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941
Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

Most people think of technology such as cameras for recording, motion detectors, and alarms when they think of home security. These are good choices to implement in home security systems, however the most important security component is often forgotten. Home doors are the first level of protection against break-ins and should be carefully considered. The following are helpful hints for making your doors secure:

Ensure that your doors always stay locked. Just as when you away, when you are at home intruders can find a way to enter your house. Always make it a habit to check that your doors are locked in order to reduce the chance that someone could break in.

When buying a new door, choose one that is made of a sturdy material that will not easily break. The best choices are metallic or solid wood doors. Doors with panels made of glass require double-keyed locks so that a robber cannot simply reach through the glass to open the door.

Make sure that all entry doors are protected by deadbolts and make sure to always lock the doorknobs. Garage doors and outside buildings should also have deadbolts. If someone managed to break into your garage this would put the rest of your home in damage as well. Therefore you should check that the door next to the garage is double-locked.

It is recommended to place bars over entry doors with glass panels. This can help reduce the risk that a burglar can break in to your house simply by shattering the glass.

Concerning doors that slide, these should always be locked as well as barred for extra security. Sliding doors on upper floors can be broken into through fire escapes. You should make sure that the door cannot be lifted up off its track, as well.

Maintain strong locks on garages, gates and sheds in addition to secure entry doors so that there is no way for a criminal to sneak in. This will make sure that they can’t think of any creative way to break in.

There are various matters that need to be considered when it comes to home security issues. Starting with secure doors will immediately contribute to the security of your home. Having a high-security door and lock system for your house can create is the first line of defense. Would-be criminals will give up when they encounter high-security locks instead of doing damage and stealing.

Should Your Home Security Systems Be Monitored?

Home security systems can be quite expensive to homeowners. There are various options to choose from. Each of these options has its own unique benefits. Companies also sell monitoring service in addition to security system lock installation. This is at a monthly cost. Getting a monitor system is well worth the cost because it comes with many benefits. Don’t consider it an unnecessary expense, home monitoring is in fact a very useful investment.

Benefits of a Monitored System

When you choose to have your monitored you gain protection for your family 24 hours every day of the week. When an emergency situation occurs help with automatically arrive or can be called simply by pressing a button. Monitoring system features vary depending on the system but include:

Fire department calls and smoke alarm alerts

Calls made to police when burglar alarm is activated or panic button is pressed

Emergency medical help calls activated by alarm keypad or panic buttons worn

Carbon monoxide alerts which are sent to EMS if requested

Video surveillance, theft deterrence and other security monitoring that are already integrated into the security system.


Who Should Have a Monitoring System

The ideal is that anyone who has a home security system in their home should also have a monitoring method deployed in order to maximize the effectiveness of their system. Some companies and homes are in need of a monitoring system more than others. The elderly have a special need for monitoring systems because it is more difficult for them to call for help when they need it. Those with young children should seriously consider having active monitoring installed as part of their security system to boost their safety. People who often travel or work abroad, spending lots of time away from home should also considering getting a monitoring system. Monitoring is like having a second set of eyes protecting you and your property and could save a life in the case of a serious emergency.

If you are consider having a monitoring system installed as part of your home security system, be sure to investigate this option. The extra expense may seem unnecessary but having the extra security when you need it will certainly be worth the expense for your safety. Most people would say that keeping their family and home safe is worth a couple extra bucks a month.




Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

Locksmithing – Science and Art of Making and Defeating Locks – By Locksmith Las Vegas

Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941
Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941

Locksmithing can be compared to a type of art. To be proficient it requires extensive training and practice. A “smith” is someone who takes metal pieces and forms them into something tangible, either for one specific use of to be used in something larger. Locksmithing can be called the art of creating and putting together security locks and the keys needed to open them. Locksmithing was started almost 4000 years ago in ancient Egypt. In the city of Khorsabad, locksmithing was developed in an ancient palace. The pin tumbler method which was being used back then is still used in modern times.

Modern Locksmithing involves the installation of high quality locks and key management and control systems. Many modern locksmiths also use electronic keys and access control systems. Many of these systems are fairly complex, especially those that are used to protect large businesses or corporations. Locksmiths are usually quite detail-oriented. They can develop multi-tier security plans that involve determining risk level, buying appropriate security hardware, and implementing security polices required to provide the best method of security available.

For each new level of security being implemented the locksmith will need to bring more skills and equipment along with him. Due to the fact that these security levels determine the cost of the project, a locksmith must be informed in the cost and benefits of each security system. In doing so, a Las Vegas locksmith needs to learn new methods s as they develop and also the skills needed to provide the best service.

Some locksmiths are offer a commercial platform and have their own store. There are also mobile, industrial, and investigation locksmith companies out there. Some will specialize in only one facet of the locksmith industry.  You can find security consultants all throughout the city but not all of them are able to provide locksmith service. Locksmiths also tend to work as security consultants. This can be a good way for customers to save money, by just hiring one person for the job rather than two.

Locksmiths can become certified in almost every area. Some companies may identify as a “master locksmith” even though they have completed no additional training and have not gotten any additional certification. In some countries it is now mandatory to get additional certification before claiming to be a “master locksmith”.



Locksmith Las Vegas (702) 577-2941